July 19, 2022

Row House: All We Need To Know


Row house is a segment that receives the attention of many investors. However, many people are still confused about this type of house, questions such as: What is a row house? What advantages and disadvantages does it have? What to pay attention to when buying Row House. The following article will help you better understand Row House. Let's find out together!

What is Row House?

Row houses are modern forms of dwellings that have the same architectural design, are located in the same region and use the same infrastructure system of urban areas. They are adjacent to one another and share a shared wall. These residences are often less expensive than detached homes in gated communities.

The synchronization of Row House - Source: Google.com

Row Houses are mostly built in economically developed or densely populated urban areas or towns. Specifically located at: The central neighborhood has an area of ​​​​40 - 60m2; city ​​with an area of ​​60 - 80m2 and suburban with a larger area from 80 - 120m2.

Because it is built on a plot of land, forming a neighborhood, each family will live in a space with full urban facilities such as schools, commercial centers, etcetc., but limited in the number of floors, so often only 1 to 4 floors.
Above all, this type of house has the feature that it cannot stand independently between the trees and the garden, but can only be adjacent to each other. This type of house is usually for people with high income and choose a closed living environment.

Architectural requirements

The new construction and renovation of adjacent houses must ensure the consistency and harmony of form, foundation elevation, standard height at the front of the house on each street segment, street or urban area. Currently, Row Houses are quite popular in the form of villas and resorts in Vietnam, such as: Charm Ho Tram, Novaworld Phan Thiet, Aqua City, etc. 

Features of Row House

- Row houses are usually built in urban areas or towns, usually villas between rural houses and villa houses. Rowhouses are built in a closed campus with urban amenities but limited in terms of land area, the number of floors is usually from 1 to 4 floors.

The row houses designed to enhance the lives of the people - Available at: Aqua City
– Row house is a type of house dedicated to each family, but unlike single-family villas, the lot for each family is limited, often people try to reduce the width of the facade in order to increase the size of the house. urban construction density, saving technical infrastructure pipelines.

– The house cannot stand alone between the trees and the garden, but can only be joined shoulder to shoulder or back to back.

Advantages of Row House

Firstly, the adjacent house has an extremely beautiful design. Most of the houses are built in the same luxury style. Everything from paint colors, decorations, gates, etc. are designed in a similar style to create a beautiful harmony. This creates a crowd effect and attracts the attention of people around.

Second, because the adjacent houses all share the same transport infrastructure and basic utilities. Therefore, all services are always guaranteed to be fully provided by the investor. Any problem in any area, there is a professional staff to fix it immediately.

Third, row houses are built in a spacious and modern urban area, so the people are highly intelligent and civilized. Here, houseowner and their family members have the opportunity to enjoy true life values, thereby developing themselves to become more perfect.

Fourth, every space not only in the adjacent house but also in the surrounding areas of the project is always guaranteed to be clean and quiet. It will not need to worry about noise and dust like outside the project.

Fifth, Rowhouses are an extremely important part of the project. Therefore, it will be placed in the most beautiful locations. Here, it can move out of the project or to other areas very easily and without spending much time.

In addition, when buying a row house, residents will also be able to use all the convenient services that the project brings such as parks, sports and entertainment areas, supermarkets, schools, etc.

Disadvantage of Row House

Besides the outstanding advantages, Row Houses also inevitably have certain limitations.

Firstly, most of the row houses are pre-designed, they will be 100% completed before handing over to the buyer. This is an advantage but at the same time a small limitation. It will not be able to design the house according to your requirements and preferences. All adjacent houses in a project are often up to 90% similar.

Second, because the infrastructure is shared, when there is a breakdown that needs to be repaired, it needs to report it to the management and take a few steps according to the correct process. This sometimes takes time and effort.

Third, in terms of price. Most of the row houses are completed before they are sold. Therefore, the price to pay is usually from several billion to tens of billion dong. The price is much more expensive than other types of houses.

Fourth, row houses are often built quite close together. Sometimes it creates an opportunity for bad guys to intend to harm the owner. Therefore, it needs to thoroughly research the area you intend to buy before making a decision. It is necessary to be vigilant to live a safe and happy life.

A Guide for Buying A Row House

According to the CEO of MODOHO, to invest in Row House, customers need to carefully consider many different aspects and properties of the house. May be mentioned as:
  • Location of the house: This factor contributes to whether the family's living needs are convenient and secure. It is best to choose a house with full amenities such as: near schools, supermarkets, hospitals, etc. to ensure the quality of life of family members.
  • Project information: Factors to consider such as the project owner, project progress, as well as the quality and future of the project when completed. When a reputable investor will ensure the quality of the project and the safety of your adjacent apartment. At the same time, a reputable investor will ensure the delivery progress as committed, thereby bringing safety to customers.
  • Legal: Customers must pay special attention to relevant legal documents, when buying, they need to be transferred to the owner's name and transparently legal.
  • Urban security: Customers should choose a rowhouse project built in an area with good security. In addition, the project investor is equipped with a security system, protection, and a closed living environment.
  • Green living space: when looking for adjacent houses, customers can consider the layout of the construction site in terms of green areas around the living area including: trees, lakes, parks, etc. , to ensure quality of life and value for money.

In conclusion, in the current types of home real estate, Row House is one of the segments that receive the most attention. The article has given an overview of Row House, it includes what Row House is, features, advantages and disadvantages of Row House and tips to buy a new one. To to learn more about other popular house models, visit here: 8 Most Common Types Of Houses

Row House: All We Need To Know

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